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12 Most Useful Tips of Cycling for Beginners

12 Must-Know Tips for beginners for Smooth and Safe Riding.

Cycling for beginners can be stressful. But we at Tru Bike have got you covered. Cycling is a fantastic way to exercise, unwind, and experience nature. But for beginners, figuring out where to begin and what to know can be intimidating.

In order to make cycling more pleasurable and safe for beginners, this blog article will offer 12 practical tips.

  1. Properly inflate tyres
  2. Adjust your seat height
  3. Learn to shift gears
  4. Use proper hand positioning
  5. Dress for the weather
  6. Always wear a Helmet
  7. Use lights and reflectors
  8. Good quality bike lock
  9. Learn Basic cycle Maintenance
  10. Start with shorter rides and gradually increase
  11. Join a cycling group
  12. Have fun and enjoy

Cycling tips for beginners: Properly inflate tyres.

When we talk about cycling basics, tyres are a priority. A smooth and safe ride depends on properly inflated tyres. Under-inflated tyres may be more vulnerable to punctures and experience quicker wear. Additionally, pedaling can be more difficult and accident risk can rise with under-inflated tyres.

guy with cycle tire

You should verify the suggested pressure level to ensure your tyres are inflated to the correct pressure. Typically, you may find this in the owner’s manual or on the sidewall of the tyre. You’ll need a dependable bike pump or to visit a local gas station to inflate your tyres. To ensure that your tyres are constantly correctly filled, it is a good idea to check their pressure frequently, at least once each week.

Cycling tips for beginners: Adjust your seat heights.

When we are discussing cycling basics, seat height should be considered. A properly set seat height enhances comfort, lessens knee stress, and promotes pedaling effectiveness. 

kids height with cycle

Sit on the bike with your feet on the pedals and make sure your legs are almost fully extended when the pedal is at its lowest point. This will allow you to adjust the seat height. To make adjustments, use an Allen wrench or a tool made specifically for bikes.

Cycling tips for beginners: Learn to shift gears efficiently.

Gears are a crucial part of cycling basics. Shifting gears correctly can make pedaling simpler, particularly on incline terrain. Learn the fundamentals of how your bicycle’s gears operate and practice seamless shifting. 

Always remember to shift before accelerating or ascending a hill; never shift while you’re already exerting yourself.

Cycling tips for beginners: Use proper hand positioning on the handlebars.

Hands should be placed correctly on the handlebars to increase control and lessen stress on the hands and wrists. On flat or descending terrain, keep your hands on the tops or hoods of the brake levers. When riding upward or in a more aerodynamic stance, use the drops.

Tips for cycling for beginners: Dress appropriately for the weather.

To ensure comfort and safety while cycling, dress for the weather. Put on layers that you can quickly add or remove as per the weather changes.

two girls cycling

Use a rain jacket if it’s raining, and when cycling at night or in poor light, wear brightly colored clothing or reflective gear.

Tips for cycling for beginners: Always wear a helmet.

Cycling safety is particularly crucial when a helmet is used. In the event of an accident, it can shield you from severe head trauma. Pick a helmet that fits comfortably and has received certification from a reputable safety group.

a boy with his cycle

Tru Bike provides free CE certified helmets with every kids bike purchase.

Tips for cycling for beginners: Use lights and reflectors for safety.

This is one of the most important cycling tips. It’s crucial to use lights and reflectors when cycling at night or in low light to improve visibility. Use a red light at the back of your bike and a white light up front. Additionally, wearing reflective clothing, such as a reflective vest or ankle bands, can help you stand out from the crowd.

Tips for cycling for beginners: Invest in a good quality bike lock.

This is one of the most crucial cycling tips. Purchasing a high-quality bike lock will help keep your bike safe from theft. The most secure solutions are thought to be U-locks and chain locks. A substantial object, such as a bike rack, should be used to lock the bicycle’s frame and wheel.

Beginner cycling tips: Learn basic bike maintenance.

When we are discussing cycling tips, we cannot ignore the importance of bike maintenance. Knowing how to properly maintain your bike will help it function smoothly and last longer. The chain has to be cleaned and lubricated, the tyres need to be inflated, and the brakes and gears need to be adjusted. For more information, think about enrolling in a bike maintenance course or reading the owner’s manual.

Don’t forget to check out this blog of Tru Bike. It’s a complete guide to kid’s bike maintenance.

Tru Bike has its own Dos and Donts list for bicycle maintenance. Check below and make a note of it.

Check tire pressure regularly and inflate to the recommended levelNeglect to check tire pressure or inflate to the wrong level
Keep the chain lubricated to avoid rust and ensure smooth operationNeglect to lubricate the chain or use the wrong type of lubricant
Clean the bike regularly to prevent dirt and grime buildupNeglect to clean the bike or use harsh chemicals to clean it
Adjust the brakes and gears as needed to ensure they are working properlyNeglect to adjust the brakes and gears or make adjustments without proper knowledge or tools
Tighten loose bolts and screws to prevent parts from falling offNeglect to check the tires or continue to ride on worn-out tires
Check for wear and tear on the tires and replace them when necessaryNeglect to check the tires or continue to ride on worn-out tires
Make sure to be careful while ridingRide carelessly

Beginner cycling tips: Start with Shorter Rides and Gradually Increase Distance.

Start out with shorter rides and progressively extend the distance as your endurance and confidence grow. By doing this, injuries and burnout will be reduced. It’s crucial to always pay attention to your body’s signals and rest whenever you feel exhausted.

Beginner cycling tips:Join a cycling group or club for support and motivation.

A cycling club or group can offer encouragement, support, and friendship while cycling. A wonderful way to explore new routes and develop your skills is through group rides. You can also participate in planned activities like races or fundraising rides.

Beginner cycling tips: Have fun and enjoy the ride!

Cycling should, above all, be joyful. So make sure to enjoy yourself and the ride. Make it a daily habit, take in the scenery, and discover new spots. Keep in mind to drive safely, be conscious of your surroundings, and always obey the law.

Cycling is an enjoyable and healthful sport that individuals of all ages may take part in. But for beginners, figuring out where to begin and what to know can be intimidating. You may increase the fun and safety of your cycling by using the advice provided in this blog post. Don’t forget to check Tru Bike for high-quality kids’ bicycle range. We are also giving 10% off on your first order. It’s time to Ride and Shine!