How to use gear cycleCategoriesBlog

What is a Gear Cycle and How to Use a Gear Cycle?

The distinctions between a geared and non-geared cycle often need to be clarified. As the name implies, geared cycles are bicycles having a number of gears that might vary from model to model. Cycles without gears or shifters are known as gearless cycles. That’s just a primary difference between a gear cycle vs gearless cycle.

What is Gear Cycle?

The suspension and fork are just two of the many components that jointly define the kind of cycle. As the name suggests, Gear cycles are cycles that have gears in them. Gear cycles let you combine the gears in a variety of ways.

With lower gears, you can ride more quickly when cycling uphill without wearing out your legs. Similar to this, you can pedal more quickly and easily if you’re cycling on a flat surface while using higher gear ratios.

what is gear cycle - Trubikes

You will have gears whether you ride a road bike, mountain bike, or pretty much any other type of bike.

Tru Bike has a wide range of gearless as well as gear cycles in case you’re looking for an enhanced riding experience for your Lil ones.

They are the mechanical marvels that let you accelerate over flat, smooth roads at wind-whistling speeds or push your way up a steep, rocky climb without passing out..

Understanding a gear cycle.

A gear cycle, commonly referred to as a multi-speed or geared bicycle, is made up of many essential parts that function in concert to let the rider change gears. It’s important to understand the gear combination in a cycle.

What are the key components of a gear-shifting cycle?

The key components of a gear-shifting cycle include:

  • Rear wheel gears or cogs:

These are the gears that the chain travels through. They are available in various sizes and tooth counts.

  • Chain:

The link securing the pedals to the back wheel is the chain. On the back wheel, it passes over the cogs or gears.

  • Derailleur:

The device that shifts the chain between gears is known as a derailleur. The shifters are in charge of it.

  • Shifters:

The rider utilizes the shifters, which are levers, to control the derailleur. Typically, they are found on the handlebars.

What is the use of gear in a cycle?

Gears are parts or components of a cycle that helps us to ride swiftly. Gears help you ride more quickly. Speed is necessary while climbing inclines. However, if we have a single-speed cycle commonly known as a gearless cycle, it will be a complicated task. But higher gear can help with minimum effort if you want to move quickly.

To boost the speed, one must depend on gears. You should also be aware of the terrain if you wanna use the gears effectively. Typically, geared cycles are used on hilly terrain which keeps on changing in nature, hence it’s important to not only know your gears but also the terrain where you’re riding. 

Tru Bike’s Tru 2.0 Pro Gear cycles are ultralight and innovative bikes for all round use by children aged between 6-8 years.

advantages of gear bicycle - Trubikes

Advantages of Gear Cycles:

  • Geared cycles allow full control: Geared bicycles have the benefit of allowing you to adjust the gearing to suit several terrains, making all of your rides more fascinating. You’ve full control over the speed. This means total control.
  • Geared cycles can speed up pretty quickly:If you’re looking to accelerate more quickly, the gear cycle is your go-to option. You can alter the speed by simply switching the gears. How easy is that!
  • Gear bikes can help you enjoy cycling on a variety of terrain:Gear bikes can take you on longer, more challenging routes since they cover more ground without tiring you. If you enjoy cycling uphill, these cycles are ideal because they make the activity much easier and fun. Be it a biking expedition or riding on hilly terrain, with a gear cycle, you’re good to go.
  • Gear cycles are created to fit our exact needs: Be it a flat road or an incline, Gear cycles are perfect for any scenario. In case you stumble upon an inclined surface all of a sudden, on a gearless bike, you would typically need to charge yourself up and exert extra effort to pass that road. But in the case of a gear cycle, all you have to do is adjust the gear as required.
  • Gear cycles are the best option for elderly people and kids.Gear cycles help us to make our actions smoother and cycling on hills becomes easier on bicycles. Additionally, it is most effective for kids, elderly people and people with various physical conditions that prevent them from engaging in vigorous physical activity.

How does the gear shifting or gear combination in cycles work?

The simpler it is to pedal, the more teeth a gear has; the harder it is to pedal, the fewer teeth. The difficulty of pedaling changes when the rider changes gears since they are shifting the chain from one gear to another.

The range of gears on the rear that can be used successfully is determined by the front gear, which works in conjunction with the back gear.

It’s crucial to remember that the front gear, known as a chainring, is operated by the left shifter and has fewer teeth than the gears in the back. The right shifter controls the sprockets, or gears, on the back of the vehicle.
That’s all for the gear combination in cycles.

How to shift gears in a gear-shifting cycle?

Before shifting gears, it’s important to select the right gear for the terrain and riding conditions. The gear combination in cycles can be tricky to change. These tips would come in handy.

Also, you can refer here to check out Tru Bike’s blog to get insights on how to teach your kids to ride.

Following are the tips to select the right gears while gear shifting in cycles.

What are the tips for selecting the right gear?

  • Selecting the Right Gear for the Terrain:

It’s crucial to choose the appropriate equipment for the terrain and riding circumstances. A higher gear will be more effective on flat or downhill terrain, whereas a lower gear will make pedaling simpler when going uphill. When choosing a piece of equipment, it’s crucial to take the rider’s own fitness level and riding style into account.

  • Shift Gears before a Hill or Acceleration:

It is advisable to change gears before a hill, not while climbing, and before accelerating, not while doing so. This will smooth out the gear transition and guard against tangles and damage to the chain.

Why is it important to pedal at the right time while shifting gears in a gear-shifting cycle?

It’s crucial to pedal at the appropriate moment when changing gears to guarantee a seamless transition and avoid damaging or catching the chain. It is better to change gears when the rider is pedaling steadily, not when they are exerting extra effort to climb a hill or accelerate quickly.

Before the rider starts to pedal more forcefully, this will allow the derailleur ample time to adapt the chain position to the new gear. When shifting gears, avoid any unexpected jerks or resistance by timing your pedaling to prevent damaging the chain or derailleur.

Step-by-step instructions: Learn how to shift gears through step-by-step instructions.

  1. Choose the gear you wish to change into to start.
  2. Make sure you’re cycling steadily while applying light pressure.
  3. To shift the left shifter, use your left hand; to shift the right shifter, use your right hand.
  4. When you hear or feel a click, the gear has been changed. Gently turn the shifter.
  5. Make any required adjustments to your speed and level of difficulty as you continue to pedal.

How to transition smoothly between shifting gears in a gear combination cycle?

  • Start small:

Instead of attempting to change too many gears at once, it is crucial to shift gears gradually to provide a seamless transition between them.

  • Practice a lot:

Practicing gear changes while riding at various speeds and across various terrains is also beneficial.

  • Listen to the gear combination cycle’s bike parts noise:

It’s also crucial to pay attention to any unexpected noises or resistance coming from your bike since these could be signs that the chain is not properly positioned on the gears.

What are the common mistakes made when shifting gears in gear cycles?

  • Shifting too quickly:

Too rapidly or abruptly changing gears is one common mistake. A jerky ride or damage to the chain or derailleur could come from the chain jumping or getting snagged as a result of this.

  • Not pedaling at the right time:

A jerky ride or damage to the chain or derailleur might arise from another frequent error, which is not pedaling at the appropriate moment when changing gears, as was covered earlier in the guide.

  • Not adjusting gears to match the terrain:

Another common error is not changing the gears to meet the terrain and riding circumstances. This may lead to an inefficient ride where the cyclist uses excessive energy to maintain a particular speed or insufficient energy to navigate a particular terrain.

How to avoid these mistakes when shifting gears in a gear combination cycle?

  • Practice makes the difference:

Children who practice shifting gears confidently and smoothly will be able to ride for extended lengths of time and over a variety of terrain. Children can learn the skill of gear shifting over time if they are persistent and patient, so they can fully appreciate their ride.

  • Match the gears to the terrain:

It’s crucial to always adapt the equipment to the terrain and riding circumstances; doing so will guarantee that the rider is using the appropriate amount of energy for the task at hand. This can be achieved by observing the terrain and choosing the correct gear before a hill or when accelerating.

  • Shift the gears gradually:

It’s crucial to practice shifting gears and pay attention to how your bike feels and sounds while you do so in order to avoid making these errors. It’s also beneficial to take the time to smoothly and gradually change gears before a ride. The chain will shift smoothly between gears and the derailleur will have time to correct the chain position before the rider starts to pedal more vigorously.

When learning to ride a gear cycle, kids must develop the ability to shift gears. Children who practice shifting gears confidently and smoothly will be able to ride for extended lengths of time and over a variety of terrain.

Children can learn the skill of gear shifting over time if they are persistent and patient, so they can fully appreciate their ride. Make sure to check Tru Bike Tru 2.0 Pro Gear Cycle for Kids 6 to 8-year-Old, one of the best gear cycle experiences for your kids. Happy cycling! Ride and shine!!!

When you first look at it, you’ll find that the gear system seems tricky. However, let us assure you that with a little practice and an understanding of the roads you can ace it. Whenever you’re looking to purchase a gear cycle, keep in mind your riding style and your frequently used terrain. This decision will come in handy. Also, taking care of your gear bike is non-negotiable.

Now that all of your concerns have been resolved, and you know what does gear do in cycle, you can start cycling! Super light, super safe, ergonomic and designed for kids, Tru Bike has a wide range of gear cycles. Head here to shop now. In case you have any queries, contact Tru Bike for further assistance and personalized advice.

TRU 1.6 (4 – 6 Years)CategoriesBlog

Gear Cycle Vs Normal Cycle- Which One To Buy?

What is a normal cycle/single-speed cycle or a gearless cycle?

Normal cycles/single-speed cycles or gearless cycles have a single-gear ratio. The speed of the cycle in the case of a normal cycle depends upon how you pedal. This is also a major reason that limits the speed at which you can ride a single-speed or gearless cycle.

Normal cycle/single speed cycle or gearless cycles are further categorized into two types:

  • Freewheel cycles are also called Regular cycles where the back wheel is not fixed to the pedal. 
  • Fixed wheel cycles, also called Fixie bikes where the back wheel is hard connected to the pedal.

What are the advantages of a normal cycle/single-speed cycle or a gearless cycle? 

  • Normal cycles have ease of use.

While using normal cycles, all you have to do is enjoy the ride. No hassles of changing the gears. Single-speed cycles are normal cycles that are simple to use. 

  • Gearless cycles are cheaper as compared to geared cycles.

Simple to use, normal cycles don’t have a ton of parts. Fewer parts mean lower production costs. This makes them cost less when compared to the geared cycles. 

geared cycle Vs nongeared cycles
  • Single-speed cycles have low maintenance. 

As discussed above, normal cycles have fewer components. This helps to reduce the chances of wear and tear on the bike’s parts. Normal cycles or single-speed cycles are simple in their functioning and come with a simple design. Hence repairing and sustaining it becomes easier when compared to geared cycles. In case you’re looking to buy the safest and lightest single-geared cycles for your kids, Tru Bikes is your one-stop solution.

  • Single-speed cycles are apt for very small kids. 

The starting cycling journey of a kid needs to be hassle-free. A single-speed cycle enables them to pursue the joy of cycling without having to worry about the complication of changing gears. Gearless cycles are best for 4-6 years old kids.

What are the disadvantages of a normal cycle/single-speed cycle or a gearless cycle?

Let’s discuss the cons of normal cycles, single-speed cycles or gearless cycles. 

  • Normal cycles are a bad option for hilly regions. 

When thinking of riding on hilly terrain, single-speed bikes don’t come in handy. It’s difficult to ride especially while climbing the hill as the force required to pedal is more and it becomes physically draining. 

  • Normal cycles are not an apt option for adventure lovers. 

Single-speed cyclists have to depend on the pedal to increase the speed of the single-speed cycle. No gears mean that there are speed limitations. So if you are someone looking for an adrenaline rush, single-speed cycles or gearless cycles are not for you. 

  • Normal cycles can cause injuries, especially when undertaking long journeys.

Pedaling determines the speed in the case of gearless cycles. Traveling hilly terrain or longer distances means the leg muscles are constantly exposed to stress. This can increase the chances of muscle injury due to prolonged pedaling.

What is a geared cycle?

Geared cycles let you combine different sets of gears.

  • With lower gears, you can ride more quickly when cycling uphill without wearing out your legs.
  • Similar to this, you can pedal more quickly and easily if you’re cycling on a level terrain using larger gear ratios.

What are the advantages of a geared cycle?

The answer to this largely depends upon how you are going to utilize your cycle.

Geared bikes are outstanding for extended road trips, off-road riding, bike hiking, and navigating mountainous terrain. In case you’re looking for a comfortable and adventurous riding journey for your kids, Tru Bikes have several premium geared cycles for your kids aged 6-8 years and also geared cycle for 7-11 years

  • Geared bikes are essential for cyclists living in hilly cities.

If you are living in hilly cities with uneven terrain, then geared bikes are your best bet for daily commutes.

  • Geared bikes are apt for senior citizens.

People with health problems or senior citizens can ride a geared bike with ease. Geared bikes can help to reduce the burden on the system of people having bad leg or heart restrictions. As we all know cycling is a good for kids health as well as for senior citizens’ health

  • Geared bikes prevent muscle injuries.

You can easily sustain your pedal rotation with a geared cycle. If you manage to sustain the cadence between 60-90 rpm, this can result in driving at an optimum speed thereby avoiding any muscle injury.

What are the disadvantages of a geared cycle?

Every coin has two sides. Geared cycles have their own share of disadvantages.

  • Geared cycles have a lot of moving parts.

There are a lot of moving parts in a geared cycle. Not to forget the numerous cogs that must work together. If one of the parts shows some issues, the drive may not function smoothly.

  • Geared cycles are high on maintenance.

As discussed in the above point, geared cycles have a lot of moving parts. Hence, it’s important to invest in timely proper servicing and routine maintenance.

  • Geared cycles are costly compared to normal cycles.

There’s no doubt that a geared cycle is flexible yet complicated. Hence, it is highly priced when compared with regular cycles.

Let’s have a brief glimpse of single-speed Vs geared bikes in a tabular form.

Geared cycles Gearless cycles 
Geared cycles are costly. Gearless cycles are cost-effective. 
Geared cycles have more components and bike parts.Gearless cycles have fewer bike parts. 
The speed of the cycle can be increased or decreased by changing the gears. The speed of the normal cycles can be increased or decreased by the speed of pedalling. 
Geared cycles have high maintenance. Gearless cycles have low maintenance. 
Geared cycles are apt for hilly terrain or long journeys. Gearless cycles are not apt for hilly terrain or long-distance journeys. 
Geared cycles are the best option for senior citizens, people with certain physical medical conditions and adventure lovers. Gearless cycles are the best option for kids starting their cycling journey. 
Geared cycles are flexible and complex. Gearless cycles are simple in function. 

Which is best gear cycle or non-gear cycle?

A bike with gears is more versatile and more complex than a bike without gears, hence its cost is higher. A multi-speed bike is an excellent option for you if you’re aggressive, seeking speed, and prefer better comfort. A single-speed bike, however, has a straightforward design that makes maintenance and repairs much simpler.

Trying one out is the best way to decide if a fixed-gear bike is good for you. A note of caution: The first time you try a fixed-gear bike, make sure you don’t try it in traffic. It would be better to get accustomed to how it handles. Instead, make sure you practice driving in a safe and protected environment.

Whether looking for geared or gearless cycles, Tru Bikes has several premium kids’ bicycle options for you to explore. 


10 Proven Health Benefits of Cycling for Kids

In an era where technology is dominating almost every aspect of life, the options for kids’ recreation have also been digitized. There’s an increasing trend where kids sit glued to their phones playing games or watching cartoons.

This has led to an added difficulty for parents to bring their children into the “real world”. Covid has also been one of the major reasons for the decline in outdoor activity. However, as the pandemic has receded, it’s the responsibility of parents to ensure that their kids stay active, healthy, happy, and renewed by incorporating outdoor activities into their routines. And what’s better than cycling? The benefits of cycling every day are immense.

What are the benefits of cycling daily?

Let’s discuss 10 Amazing benefits of cycling for kids you need to know in 2023:

1) The best way to be physically active.

The Centre for disease control and prevention makes certain important recommendations for children. As per the recommendations, as per age, children need varied amounts of physical activity. Children between the ages of 3 and 5 need to be active all day long. Ages 6 to 17 must be physically active for at least an hour every day. To meet this requirement, cycling comes in really handy for kids. Cycling benefits for health include keeping the kids physically enthusiastic throughout the day. Tru Bike has several premium kids’ bicycle options to get your kid started on his cycling journey.

  • 2) The best way to enhance the mental health of kids.

One of the crucial benefits of cycling daily is that it helps to strengthen the mental health of kids by benefiting your child’s learning development. Cycling is like a moving meditation for kids. And a premium kids’ bike like the Tru Bike has to offer makes it more enjoyable.

Cycling exercises and other aerobic exercises are related to improving the cognitive functions of a kid like academic performance and attention span. This is one of the promising health benefits of cycling.

3) The best way to help kids contribute to the environment.

One of the noble benefits of cycling is that it’s good for the environment in the long run.  Driving less and switching to active transportation like cycling cuts carbon emissions, eases traffic, and solves parking issues. Our neighborhoods will become greener, healthier, and less stressful places to live if there is less pollution and traffic. In this way, kids learn to contribute to the environment in a positive way.

4) The best way to help kids fight obesity.

Cycling benefits for health include keeping obesity at bay for kids. India has the 2nd highest percentage of obese children in the world, after China, at 14.4 million. The statistics are alarming. Cycling exercises daily helps to raise your kids’ metabolic rate helping them to keep the weight off. Tru Bikes’ ultralight and innovative bikes are the best options for gear cycles and non-gear cycles for your kids aged 4 – 6 years, 6 – 8 years and 7 – 11 years daily cycling needs.

5) The best way to help kids build muscle mass.

Cycling exercises daily helps target the leg muscles of kids. Cycling benefits for health include building and strengthening leg muscles over a period of time. Cycling daily is one of the best exercises for the legs. It firms the thighs and bottom and also aids in toning the tummy muscles of your kids. Tru Bike has the perfect options for gear cycles and non gear bikes for your lil ones.

6) The best way to help kids stay stress-free.

As per the Centre for disease control and Prevention, depression and anxiety have increased over time in kids. If you are still wondering what are the health benefits of cycling every day, then I bet this one’s gonna reassure you. For kids, cycling is a perfect means to lessen stress and enrich their mental health. There are several reasons why biking makes kids happy, but the main one is the intensive physical activity that results in a natural endorphin rush that uplifts mood and lowers stress.

7) The best way to help kids improve their bone strength.

One of the health benefits of cycling daily is that children’s flexibility increases, which is a big health advantage. Cycling is a fantastic way for kids to develop strength and muscle. Since our skeleton does not fully develop until about age 20, research has shown that biking can help your child’s bones grow stronger. Cycling is a great way for kids to build bone density while also developing muscle tone and endurance.

8) The best way to help kids improve their socializing skills.

One of the interesting benefits of cycling daily is that children get an opportunity to interact with one another via cycling, which is a great strategy. In addition to being possible in groups, riding also enables them to socialize with new people.

It’s also a terrific method for parents to exercise while still having quality time with their kids. Riding is therefore a fun opportunity for kids to enhance their social skills and make new friends. Cycling exercises daily is a well-liked pastime among kids of all ages.

9) The best way to help kids boost their confidence.

Certain research states that the root of confidence lies in the environment that your kids have been raised in and in genetics. Even though it may seem like all fun and games, the benefits of cycling for kids include improving their self-esteem and confidence.

By encouraging your child to interact with others while riding, cycling can also aid in the improvement of social skills. Children who ride are more confident and have higher self-esteem. Cycling with your kid can be a fun way to spend time together.

10) The best way to help kids be healthy in their adulthood as well.

As already discussed above, the health benefits of Cycling exercises daily include building up the muscles and joints in the legs, which could prevent accidents as individuals age. Because cycling enhances blood circulation all over the body, it is good for a child’s cardiovascular health. According to research, kids who ride bicycles frequently as they grow up are more likely to stay physically active as adults, which has been linked to a number of health benefits, such as a decreased risk of heart disease, certain cancers, obesity, and diabetes.

How to take advantage of the numerous health benefits of cycling daily?

  • Always keep in mind safety reminders while cycling.
  • A correctly fitting helmet like that of Tru Bike can help your kids be safe in case of accidents. (Tru Bike Helmets are free with bicycle)
  • Ensure that the cycling track your child chooses is child friendly.
  • Involve yourself with your kids while cycling so that they also relish good family time.
  • Last but not least, don’t forget to have fun while cycling.

Tru Bike has numerous premium cycle options for kids aged between 4-11 years. Head to the link to shop for the best bikes for your kids, because your kids deserve the best biking experience.