useful tips of cycling for beginnersCategoriesBlog

12 Most Useful Tips of Cycling for Beginners

12 Must-Know Tips for beginners for Smooth and Safe Riding.

Cycling for beginners can be stressful. But we at Tru Bike have got you covered. Cycling is a fantastic way to exercise, unwind, and experience nature. But for beginners, figuring out where to begin and what to know can be intimidating.

In order to make cycling more pleasurable and safe for beginners, this blog article will offer 12 practical tips.

  1. Properly inflate tyres
  2. Adjust your seat height
  3. Learn to shift gears
  4. Use proper hand positioning
  5. Dress for the weather
  6. Always wear a Helmet
  7. Use lights and reflectors
  8. Good quality bike lock
  9. Learn Basic cycle Maintenance
  10. Start with shorter rides and gradually increase
  11. Join a cycling group
  12. Have fun and enjoy

Cycling tips for beginners: Properly inflate tyres.

When we talk about cycling basics, tyres are a priority. A smooth and safe ride depends on properly inflated tyres. Under-inflated tyres may be more vulnerable to punctures and experience quicker wear. Additionally, pedaling can be more difficult and accident risk can rise with under-inflated tyres.

guy with cycle tire

You should verify the suggested pressure level to ensure your tyres are inflated to the correct pressure. Typically, you may find this in the owner’s manual or on the sidewall of the tyre. You’ll need a dependable bike pump or to visit a local gas station to inflate your tyres. To ensure that your tyres are constantly correctly filled, it is a good idea to check their pressure frequently, at least once each week.

Cycling tips for beginners: Adjust your seat heights.

When we are discussing cycling basics, seat height should be considered. A properly set seat height enhances comfort, lessens knee stress, and promotes pedaling effectiveness. 

kids height with cycle

Sit on the bike with your feet on the pedals and make sure your legs are almost fully extended when the pedal is at its lowest point. This will allow you to adjust the seat height. To make adjustments, use an Allen wrench or a tool made specifically for bikes.

Cycling tips for beginners: Learn to shift gears efficiently.

Gears are a crucial part of cycling basics. Shifting gears correctly can make pedaling simpler, particularly on incline terrain. Learn the fundamentals of how your bicycle’s gears operate and practice seamless shifting. 

Always remember to shift before accelerating or ascending a hill; never shift while you’re already exerting yourself.

Cycling tips for beginners: Use proper hand positioning on the handlebars.

Hands should be placed correctly on the handlebars to increase control and lessen stress on the hands and wrists. On flat or descending terrain, keep your hands on the tops or hoods of the brake levers. When riding upward or in a more aerodynamic stance, use the drops.

Tips for cycling for beginners: Dress appropriately for the weather.

To ensure comfort and safety while cycling, dress for the weather. Put on layers that you can quickly add or remove as per the weather changes.

two girls cycling

Use a rain jacket if it’s raining, and when cycling at night or in poor light, wear brightly colored clothing or reflective gear.

Tips for cycling for beginners: Always wear a helmet.

Cycling safety is particularly crucial when a helmet is used. In the event of an accident, it can shield you from severe head trauma. Pick a helmet that fits comfortably and has received certification from a reputable safety group.

a boy with his cycle

Tru Bike provides free CE certified helmets with every kids bike purchase.

Tips for cycling for beginners: Use lights and reflectors for safety.

This is one of the most important cycling tips. It’s crucial to use lights and reflectors when cycling at night or in low light to improve visibility. Use a red light at the back of your bike and a white light up front. Additionally, wearing reflective clothing, such as a reflective vest or ankle bands, can help you stand out from the crowd.

Tips for cycling for beginners: Invest in a good quality bike lock.

This is one of the most crucial cycling tips. Purchasing a high-quality bike lock will help keep your bike safe from theft. The most secure solutions are thought to be U-locks and chain locks. A substantial object, such as a bike rack, should be used to lock the bicycle’s frame and wheel.

Beginner cycling tips: Learn basic bike maintenance.

When we are discussing cycling tips, we cannot ignore the importance of bike maintenance. Knowing how to properly maintain your bike will help it function smoothly and last longer. The chain has to be cleaned and lubricated, the tyres need to be inflated, and the brakes and gears need to be adjusted. For more information, think about enrolling in a bike maintenance course or reading the owner’s manual.

Don’t forget to check out this blog of Tru Bike. It’s a complete guide to kid’s bike maintenance.

Tru Bike has its own Dos and Donts list for bicycle maintenance. Check below and make a note of it.

Check tire pressure regularly and inflate to the recommended levelNeglect to check tire pressure or inflate to the wrong level
Keep the chain lubricated to avoid rust and ensure smooth operationNeglect to lubricate the chain or use the wrong type of lubricant
Clean the bike regularly to prevent dirt and grime buildupNeglect to clean the bike or use harsh chemicals to clean it
Adjust the brakes and gears as needed to ensure they are working properlyNeglect to adjust the brakes and gears or make adjustments without proper knowledge or tools
Tighten loose bolts and screws to prevent parts from falling offNeglect to check the tires or continue to ride on worn-out tires
Check for wear and tear on the tires and replace them when necessaryNeglect to check the tires or continue to ride on worn-out tires
Make sure to be careful while ridingRide carelessly

Beginner cycling tips: Start with Shorter Rides and Gradually Increase Distance.

Start out with shorter rides and progressively extend the distance as your endurance and confidence grow. By doing this, injuries and burnout will be reduced. It’s crucial to always pay attention to your body’s signals and rest whenever you feel exhausted.

Beginner cycling tips:Join a cycling group or club for support and motivation.

A cycling club or group can offer encouragement, support, and friendship while cycling. A wonderful way to explore new routes and develop your skills is through group rides. You can also participate in planned activities like races or fundraising rides.

Beginner cycling tips: Have fun and enjoy the ride!

Cycling should, above all, be joyful. So make sure to enjoy yourself and the ride. Make it a daily habit, take in the scenery, and discover new spots. Keep in mind to drive safely, be conscious of your surroundings, and always obey the law.

Cycling is an enjoyable and healthful sport that individuals of all ages may take part in. But for beginners, figuring out where to begin and what to know can be intimidating. You may increase the fun and safety of your cycling by using the advice provided in this blog post. Don’t forget to check Tru Bike for high-quality kids’ bicycle range. We are also giving 10% off on your first order. It’s time to Ride and Shine!

how to teach your child to learn a cycleCategoriesBlog

How to Teach Your Child to Ride a Bicycle: Bike Riding Guide 2023

Tips, tricks, and important points to remember when learning to ride a bicycle.

For kids, learning to ride a bicycle is a significant milestone since it helps in both their physical and mental development.

Children who ride bicycles physically grow in balance, coordination, and muscle strength. It is a terrific alternative for kids who might not be interested in other more intensive sports because it is a low-impact exercise that is easy on the joints. It can also aid in weight management and the improvement of cardiovascular health.

learn to ride bicycle

A crucial stage in a child’s physical and mental development is learning how to ride a bicycle. Along with helping students build crucial physical abilities, it also enhances their self-confidence and has a number of positive effects on their general well-being.

How to learn to ride bicycle: Preparing for a cycling lesson. 

How to prepare to learn to ride a bicycle for kids? 

  1. Choose the apt pieces of equipment and safety gear
  2. Choose the right size of the bike matters
  3. Choose the apt riding area

Start with keeping these important points in mind. 

  • Apt equipment and safety gear: When kids learn to cycle, safety gears matter a lot. A bike that is the right size and has functioning brakes, tyres, and reflectors is a perfect choice.
child wearing helmet

A helmet that is secure and adheres to safety regulations also is non-negotiable. Tru Bike helmets come free with every purchase. It is CE certified, strong and sturdy. Elbow and knee protectors for additional safety should be taken into account.

  • The right size of the bike matters: When kids learn to cycle, selecting the ideal bicycle for your child can make a lot of difference. Make sure the bike is the right size for your youngster by accounting for their height and inseam length. Think about the bike’s weight and your child’s ability to maneuver it. Refer to Tru Bike’s chart for bike sizing.
  • Choose the apt riding area: When kids learn to cycle, prepare the riding location by considering the bike’s intended usage and whether it is appropriate for the terrain your child will be riding on. Pick a place that is flat, open, and has a smooth surface, such as a park or a driveway. Avoid regions where there are barriers that could cause a youngster to fall, including rocks or branches.

How to learn to ride bicycle: Teaching techniques to stick to when kids learn to cycle.

  • Balancing techniques when kids learn to cycle:

When thinking about how to learn to ride a bicycle, Balance is the key when kids learn to cycle. Start by having your youngster ride the bike while holding onto a support, like a wall or a tree, to develop balance. Remove the support little by little and have your youngster practice balancing without it. Before transitioning to a two-wheeled bike, use a balancing bike to teach children balance.

  • Pedaling techniques when kids learn to cycle:

When thinking about how to learn to ride a bicycle, start off by having your child practice pedaling on a stationary bike.

kids riding cycle

Have them begin moving the bike with their feet after they are confident with pedaling. Gradually enhance the riders’ riding speed and range. 

  • Steering techniques when kids learn to cycle:

Start by having your child practice steering on a stationary bike. Make minor steering modifications and have them practice riding straight lines. Practice making turns at low speeds once they are accustomed to steering.

Learn to ride a bike in traffic

Being able to ride safely and confidently starts with teaching kids how to ride in traffic.

How to teach kids to ride in traffic? 

  • Teach children how to bike safely on the street and the rules of the road. 
  • Practice riding in traffic in a safe setting.
  • Children should learn how to interact with drivers and other passengers.

Some tips to help your kid get started when learning to ride a bike. 

Teach children how to bike safely on the street and the rules of the road: Make sure kids are familiar with the fundamentals of driving, like traffic signals, road signs, and how to cross the street safely, before letting them ride on the street. Children should be taught how to signal turns, use hand signals, and ride in a straight path. They should also be made aware of the significance of being seen by other drivers.

Practice riding in traffic in a safe setting: Start by practicing in a parking lot or on a roadway with less traffic and little noise. Children will have the opportunity to practice riding near cars and other vehicles thanks to this. 

kid riding cycle

Empty neighborhood roads are also an apt choice when starting to learn to ride a bicycle. When children are traveling in a moving vehicle, it’s crucial to keep an eye on them and make sure they are obeying all safety precautions and legal requirements.

Children should learn how to interact with drivers and other passengers: Children should understand how to look drivers in the eye and make themselves visible. They should also learn how to interact with other drivers and riders, such as how to signal turns and stops with hand signals.

It’s crucial to remember that learning how to ride in traffic is a skill that takes time to master, so parents and carers must exercise patience and allow kids the space they require to develop their abilities and confidence.

When choosing the appropriate time to begin teaching a child to ride with traffic, it’s vital to take into account the child’s age and maturity as well as the volume of traffic in the area. 

Thinking of starting your kids’ riding journey? Make sure to check out Tru Bike, India’s Lightest, Safest, and Smoothest Kid’s Bike. 

Related: Why are exercises important for kids

cycling in winterCategoriesBlog

The Ultimate Guide to Cycling in Winter for Kids: Slay the Biking Winter Game 

Take advantage of winter cycling tips for an enjoyable and safe cycling experience in winter. 

Biking in winter can be challenging especially for kids. However, cycling is an important form of exercise and transportation for children for several reasons. Kids can benefit from cycling in a variety of ways, including improved cardiovascular health, strong bones, and increased muscle strength. Cycling is also a fun and enjoyable activity and with a little attention towards tips for cycling in winter, kids can enjoy biking in winter as well. 

What are the challenges of biking in winter for kids?

There are many challenges that a kid can face while cycling during winter.

What are the challenges of biking during winter?

  1. Cold weather.
  2. Reduced visibility. 
  3. Limited daylight hours.
  4. Reduced mobility.
  5. Lack of motivation.

The prominent challenges while cycling in winter are listed below.

Cold weather: Being outside for prolonged amounts of time during the winter can be uncomfortable or downright miserable due to the extreme cold. For children, who might have a harder difficulty controlling their body temperature, biking in winter might be particularly difficult.

cycling in winter

Reduced visibility: The days are shorter and there is frequently less natural light in the winter. Due to this, it may be more difficult for children to see the road ahead as well as for other road users and drivers to see them.

Limited daylight hours: Kids find it challenging to schedule their rides around school and other activities throughout the winter because of the shorter daylight hours.

Reduced mobility: Children may have trouble moving around when wearing bulky winter clothing, which may make it more difficult for them to ride comfortably and safely.

Lack of motivation: Parents and children may be significantly discouraged from biking during the winter. This may make it more difficult to get kids interested in cycling throughout the winter.

However, cycling during winter can be just as safe and pleasant as cycling in other seasons, though, with the correct planning and safety precautions. The blog’s goal is to give readers advice and details on how to get kids interested in winter riding and keep them safe.

Tips for cycling in winter:

Clothing and gear

Tires, Lights, Reflectors

Tips for cycling in winter: Preparing for cycling in winter. 

It’s important to prepare for cycling in winter. 

Here are the important elements to consider while biking in winter:

Clothing and Gears:

Winter cycling tips would be incomplete if we don’t consider the clothing and gears. It is a primary preparation for cycling during winter. It is important to keep the kids warm, especially during winter.

Clothing and gears to include while riding in winter.

  • Base layers and thermal clothing.
  • Waterproof jacket and pants.
  • Hat, neck gaiter, and gloves.
  • Warm socks and boots.

Take care to include the following things when deciding to bike in winter.

  • Base layers and thermal clothing: Cycling during winter can be difficult for kids. Wear base layers and thermal clothing next to your skin to help keep you dry and warm. Base layers should be made of moisture-wicking material. To provide more insulation, look for tops and bottoms made of thermal or fleece fabric. 
kid with bicycle
  • Waterproof jacket and pants: A waterproof outer layer is essential to staying dry in wet snow or sleet. This includes a waterproof jacket and pants. You can move more freely when riding if your jacket and leggings are well-fitting and made specifically for cycling.
  • Hat, neck gaiter, and gloves: Keep your hands and head warm because they are particularly vulnerable to the cold. Look for insulated and waterproof gloves.
  • Warm socks and boots: The feet will stay warm and dry in thick, warm socks and boots. Look for boots with strong traction and waterproofing.

Tips for cycling in winter: Preparing the bike for cycling in winter. 

Tips for cycling in winter would be incomplete if we don’t include preparing the bike for winter. Remember, a well-guarded bike can improve your kids’ riding experience during winter.

Following are the tips for cycling in winter by preparing your bike and making it winter-ready:

  • Tyres: To improve traction on ice and snow, replace your tyres with studded or winter tyres. These tyre varieties contain studs that provide them more traction on slick surfaces. For the best traction, it’s crucial to check that the tyres are properly filled.
  • Lights: For visibility, make sure the bike has front and rear lights. In the winter, when the days are shorter, it is more probable that children will be riding in the dark. They will be more visible to vehicles and other road users if they have lights.
  • Reflectors: Cycling during winter can cause visibility issues due to weather conditions. For increased visibility, use reflective tape or equipment. Reflective clothing can improve a cyclist’s visibility to motorists, particularly in low light. This entails putting reflective tape on clothing and putting reflectors or lights on the bike.

Tips for cycling in winter: Planning the route for kids. 

Winter cycling tips would be incomplete if we don’t plan the route for the kids especially if they live in areas where it snows. When planning the route, use well-maintained bike lanes and highways, and try to stay away from mountainous terrain. Look for roads that have been ploughed and coated with salt or sand to improve traction when planning the trip.

cycle in snow

As they are frequently cleaned of snow and ice, bike lanes are another excellent choice. Avoiding mountainous locations is also a good idea because they can make riding more challenging and dangerous when the roads are slippery.

Tips for cycling in winter: Safety tips for winter cycling. 

When cycling, safety should always come first, especially in the cold.

The following winter cycling tips will help keep kids safe while cycling in the winter:

  • Visibility matters.
  • Go easy on speed.
  • Shifting weight to the rest wheels.
  • Keep a tab on the weather.
  • Teach kids the traffic rules.
  • Wear a helmet.
  • Take routine breaks.
  • Visibility matters: To make themselves as visible to drivers and other road users as possible, kids should use lights and reflectors on their bikes and wear bright or reflective clothes.
  • Go easy on speed: In order to avoid the wheels from sliding or skidding, kids should ride gently and attentively on snowy or icy roads. Additionally, they should avoid abrupt braking or turning because these actions might make the bike lose traction.
  • Shifting weight to the rear wheels: Moving weight to the back wheel will assist kids to retain a grip on the front wheel, so they should attempt to keep their weight on the back wheel. This may make riding on slick surfaces simpler. 
  • Keep a tab on the weather: Before departing, children should check the weather and plan their routes to reduce the amount of time they spend outside in inclement weather. Cycling can be made safer in winter weather by avoiding mountainous places and adhering to well-plowed roads or bike lanes.
  • Teach kids the traffic rules: Children should be taught the rules of the road, traffic signs, and safe cycling techniques.
cycle safety signal

They should also be reminded to abide by these rules. Additionally, students should be instructed in safe cycling techniques like hand signals, avoiding distractions, and scanning the area for cars before crossing the street.

  • Wear a helmet: Children should always wear helmets for their safety, but the winter is especially crucial because visibility is decreased, and stopping quickly is more difficult. 
two kids with bicycle

Make sure that the helmet is in the right place, is attached securely, and is in good condition. Tru Bike helmets are high-quality, CE certified, durable, and come free with every purchase. 

  • Take routine breaks: Especially in chilly weather, kids should take routine breaks to rest, warm up, and rehydrate.

In the winter, when it might be more challenging to get outside and exercise, it is crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Even in the cold, cycling can be a fun and pleasurable method for kids to keep active and healthy.

It’s crucial to motivate youngsters to exercise all year round rather than just during the summer. While keeping the body and mind busy throughout the colder months, winter cycling may be a pleasant and pleasurable method to be active and healthy.

It’s also important to note that when cycling in winter, it’s crucial to prioritize safety and to make sure that kids are properly dressed and equipped for the weather. With the right preparation and safety measures, cycling in winter can be just as safe and enjoyable as cycling during other seasons.

Hope these winter cycling tips benefit your kids and make their cycling in winter more fun. 

With winter around the corner, don’t forget to check out Tru Bike for kids’ gear and gearless bicycle options that will blow your mind. 

Related : Must have bicycle accessories for every kid

bike maintenenceCategoriesBlog

The Complete Guide to Kids’ Bike Maintenance: How to Get the Best Performance out of Your Kids’ Bike.

Maintenance of bicycles is made easy with cycle maintenance tips in this blog.

Maintenance of bicycles is crucial. Any bicycle’s performance and safety benefit from routine maintenance, but kids’ bikes benefit the most. A well-maintained bike can significantly impact a child’s enjoyment and self-confidence while riding on the road or a trail. Children rely on their bikes for both transportation and recreation.

Why does bike maintenance matter?

There are a number of reasons why bike maintenance matters.

Some of the prominent reasons are listed below.

  • Maintenance of bicycles for safety purposes: 

Kids’ bikes can be made safer to ride with regular maintenance. This includes inspecting and adjusting the brakes, tightening fasteners, and changing out worn-out parts.

bike maintenance safety
  • Maintenance of bicycles for better performance:

Kids’ bikes can function better with proper maintenance, which makes them more enjoyable for kids to ride. This entails lubricating the chain, adjusting the gears, and maintaining optimum tyre pressure.

  • Maintenance of bicycles for a long shelf life of bicycles:

The life of children’s bikes can be increased with routine maintenance. Maintaining the bike in good shape will help you avoid expensive repairs and extend its lifespan.

  • Maintenance of bicycles for a better riding experience:

Children who ride bikes that are kept up-to-date could feel more competent and self-assured on the road or trail. They may like cycling more as a result and be more inclined to keep riding as they age.

Why should parents teach their kids about bike maintenance?

Children’s sense of independence and responsibility can be cultivated by teaching them how to maintain their own bikes. They may also learn important skills that will benefit them all their life.

bike maintenance trubikes

Teaching kids how to take care of their own bikes can foster a sense of independence and responsibility. It can also help them develop valuable skills that they can use throughout their lives. Hence parents should encourage their kids to learn bicycle maintenance.

Basic bike maintenance tips 

Every child should have knowledge of certain basic bicycle maintenance tips. It can be easily done by the child alone or can be done under the guidance of an elder.

Following are some basic bike maintenance tips that a kid can follow on his own with little guidance from elders.

Cycle maintenance tips: Checking the tyre pressure.

For kids’ bikes, in particular, checking the tyre pressure is crucial to proper bike maintenance. A bike with properly inflated tyres will ride more smoothly, be safer, and have fewer flats. Tru Bike uses high-quality components which reduce the wear and tear of the bicycle to a larger extent.

Here’s how to check a bike’s tyres for pressure:

  • Discover the recommended tyre pressure: The bike’s recommended tyre pressure is typically printed on the tire’s side. Psi, or pounds per square inch, is a common unit of measurement (psi).
tyre pressure
  • Purchase a tyre pressure gauge: A tyre pressure gauge is necessary to check the tyre pressure. The air pressure in the tyres can be measured with this little device.
  • Check tyre pressure before removing the valve cap: The valve cap must be taken off the valve stem before you can check the tyre pressure. This is the tiny cap that covers the tire’s valve on the side.
  • Check the tyre pressure: Place the tyre pressure gauge against the valve stem to check the tyre pressure. The gauge will display the tyre’s current air pressure. To determine if the tyre is inflated properly, compare this to the appropriate tyre pressure.
  • Adjust the tyre pressure if needed: If the tyre pressure is too low, fill it up with air using a bike pump until it reaches the appropriate level. Release some air from the tyres if the pressure is too high until it is at the proper level. When you’re done, make sure to replace the valve cap.

Cycle maintenance tips: Adjust the brakes.

For kids’ bikes, in particular, it’s crucial to regularly adjust the brakes as part of general bike maintenance. A few basic tools make it straightforward to adjust the brakes, which can enhance the bike’s performance and safety.

Here’s how to modify a bike’s brakes:

  • Inspecting the brake pad: Inspection of the brake pad is the first step towards adjusting the brakes. These are the tiny pads that the bike stops with by pressing them up against the tyre rim. Make that the pads are not too worn down and are in alignment with the rim.
brake check for maintenance
  • Adjusting the brake cables: The brake cable that connects the brake lever and brake caliper can be adjusted. Use the brake calipers adjustment screws to loosen or tighten the cable to change the brakes.
  • Testing the brake cables: Once the brake cable has been adjusted, try the brakes to see how they operate. The brakes should be solid but not overly challenging to pull. Adjust the cable once more until the brakes feel right if they are either too tight or too loose.
  • Repeating the process on the other brakes: To ensure that both brakes are properly adjusted, repeat the procedure on the other brake as well.
  • Checking the brake pads again: After making any necessary adjustments to the brakes, double-check the brake pads to make sure they are still in line with the rim. Use the adjustment screws to reposition them if necessary.

Cycle maintenance tips: Tightening bolts and screws.

A crucial component of bike maintenance is tightening nuts and screws, and this is true, especially for children’s bikes. It’s critical to constantly check and tighten any loose nuts and screws because they can affect the bike’s performance and safety. Tru Bike’s innovative bicycles are designed for performance and durability. High-quality components ensure bicycle longevity.

To tighten bolts and screws on a bike, follow these instructions:

  • Gathering the required equipment: A wrench or a screwdriver is required to tighten nuts and screws on a bike. The size and kind of bolt or screw you are working with will determine the kind of tool you need.
  • Find the slack screws and bolts: Look for any screws or bolts that are not completely tightened or that are loose. These are located on the bike’s handlebars, pedals, brakes, and other components.
  • Tighten the bolts and screws by placing the wrench or screwdriver on the bolt or screw’s head and turning it clockwise. It should be snug but not too tight when you turn it. Use the appropriate size wrench for the bolt or screw if you’re using a wrench.
  • Check the tightness: After tightening the bolts and screws, give them a moderate twist to ensure that they are securely fastened. Tighten them once more until they are snug if any of them feel slack.
  • Repeat the procedure: Repeat the procedure on any other unsecured screws and bolts you discover. To make sure all the nuts and screws on the bike are secure, it is a good idea to frequently check their tightness.

Cycle maintenance tips: Lubricating chain.

Chain lubrication is a crucial component of bike maintenance, and it is crucial for children’s bikes in particular. The performance of the bike can be greatly improved and the life of the chain can be increased with proper chain lubrication.

Here is how to grease a bike’s chain:

  • Gathering the required materials: You’ll need a clean rag and a bike-specific lubricant to grease the chain.
chain lubricating for bike maintenance
  • Chain cleaning: The chain must first be cleaned before being lubricated. Use a degreaser or a solvent to get rid of any dirt or grime on the chain. With a fresh rag, dry off the chain.
  • Apply the lubricant: Apply a small layer of lubrication to the chain after it has been well-cleaned and dried. Apply the lube to the chain’s interior using a dropper or a little brush.
  • Wipe off excess lubricant: Remove any extra lubricant by wiping it off with a clean rag after you’ve applied it. Make sure to clean off any extra oil from the chain’s outside as well.
  • Test the chain: After lubricating, the chain, make sure it is operating smoothly by pedaling the bike and changing gears. Apply extra lubricant as necessary if the chain is not shifting smoothly or feels too dry.
  • Repeat the procedure: To keep the chain in good condition, it is a good idea to lube it frequently. Depending on how much you ride and the weather where you bike, you may need to oil the chain more frequently.

Apart from this, one of the best tips for bike maintenance is storing bicycles correctly and always encouraging your kids to store the bike properly. Kids’ bikes can avoid damage with proper storage. This can involve utilizing a bike stand or hook to hold the bike off the ground, as well as keeping bikes indoors or under cover.

Always remember, by following these tips for bike maintenance, kids’ bikes can improve their performance, safety, and enjoyment of cycling. Don’t forget to check Tru Bike out for durable and high-quality kids’ bicycle options.

Related: Must have bicycle accessories for every kid
cycle buying guideCategoriesBlog

A Guide to Parents Buying Online Cycles for Kids: Bicycle Buying Guide India

Guide to buying a bicycle online made easy for you. 

Buying a kids’ bicycle online in India can be a convenient and cost-effective option, but it’s important to do your research and make an informed decision to ensure you get a high-quality and safe bike for your child.

With so many different brands, sizes, and features to choose from in India, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Here’s a cycle buying guide exclusively for you.

This cycle buying guide will help you through the process of buying a kids’ bike online.

tru bikes cycles

By following these tips, you can confidently choose a bike that is safe, comfortable, and suitable for your child.

Bicycle Buying Guide for Beginners: Start by Keeping the Budget in Mind.

Budget is an essential part of a cycle buying guide. Before you begin looking for a kids’ bike, it’s crucial to establish your budget because it will enable you to focus on your search and prevent overspending. Depending on the brand, size, and features, children’s bikes can cost anywhere from under Rs 8000 to over Rs 42000 or more. 

You should consider, 

  1. How often your youngster will use the bike and how long do you want it to last?
  2. If your child is just learning to ride and will only sometimes use the bike, you might be able to get away with a less expensive mode.
  3. However, you might want to spend extra money on a better bike that will be more sturdy and comfortable if your child uses it frequently or for longer journeys.

Remember that buying a high-quality kid’s bike does not necessarily need breaking the bank. There are other good value-for-money solutions that are also inexpensive. Tru Bike offers cost-effective India’s safest and lightest Kids’ Bike. Make sure to check it out. To be sure, you are purchasing a bike that is secure and well-made, make sure to do your homework and read reviews.

You may prevent overspending and make a more informed choice about which bike is best for your child and your budget by establishing a budget in advance.

Bicycle Buying Guide for Beginners: Keep in Mind the Kid’s Age and Size.

When selecting a kids’ bike, it’s critical to take your child’s age and size into account because the proper size bike will make riding safer and more pleasant for your child. It’s crucial to pick a bike that is ideal for your child because kids’ bikes come in different sizes and are acceptable for different age ranges. Tru Bike has bikes ranging in age groups between 4 yrs to 11 yrs.

A bicycle buying guide for beginners must consist of a bike chart. It is an important part of a guide to buying a bicycle. A bike size chart can be used to assist you in choosing the appropriate bike for your child. The recommended ages and heights for each bike size are normally listed on these charts. Because every child is unique, it’s possible that yours will be taller or shorter than other kids their age. Always take your child’s height into consideration when comparing them to clothing sizes.

Here’s a bike chart by Tru Bike

cycle buying guide chart

When selecting a bike for your child, it’s crucial to take their physical capabilities into account. To assist your child to acquire confidence and learn to balance, you might want to purchase a bike with training wheels or a balancing bike for them. You can gradually upgrade to a larger, more sophisticated bike as your child gains competence and confidence.

You can select a bike that is cozy, secure, and appropriate for your child’s skill level by taking into account their age and size.

Bicycle Buying Guide for Beginners: Always Remember that Safety Comes First. 

When purchasing a kids’ bike, safety should be your first concern because accidents do happen and you want to make sure your child is protected. Make sure to look at the safety aspects when purchasing kids’ bikes to make sure your child has a sturdy and secure bike.

The following are some safety attributes to check for:

  • Sturdy Frame: A Bicycle buying guide in India must take into account the quality of the bikes. Strong, solid materials should be used to construct the bike’s frame, which should also be composed of high-quality materials. By doing this, the bike will be better able to handle severe handling and withstand breaking or bending.
  • Hand brakes: Compared to coaster brakes, which are frequently used on children’s bikes, hand brakes provide more control and stopping force. Look for children’s bikes with hand brakes that are simple to operate and have strong stopping power.
  • Kickstand: When not in use, your youngster can store the bike upright using a kickstand, which is a useful accessory. This lessens the chance that the bike may tip over and sustain damage.
cycle buying guide side stand
  • Reflectors: When cycling in poor light, reflectors are particularly crucial for visibility and safety. To make your youngster more visible to other road users, look for bicycles with reflectors on the wheels, pedals, and frame.
  • Decent warranty: A bicycle buying guide in India can never be complete without the mention of a warranty. Choosing a bike with a smart warranty is usually a good idea in case there are any problems. Look for a bike with a guarantee that includes coverage for manufacturing flaws.

Your child can experience a safe and pleasurable cycling experience if you choose a bike with these safety features.

Bicycle Buying Guide for Beginners: Reviews Speak a Lot

A Cycle buying guide also consists of reviews as a crucial element. Before making a purchase, reading reviews can be a useful method to gain a sense of the build quality and functionality of a kids’ bike. Reviews can help you make an informed choice by revealing insightful information from other parents about the advantages and disadvantages of various bikes. 

cycle buying guide review

When reading reviews, keep the following in mind:

  • Look for parent reviews: Parental reviews can offer insightful information regarding the toughness and safety of a bike. Look for evaluations written by parents whose kids are the same age and size as yours.
  • Pay attention to recurring themes: If a certain issue or problem is regularly brought up in the reviews, likely, the bike generally has that problem. On the other hand, a bike is probably a high-quality selection if reviews are overwhelmingly positive.
  • Think about where the review came from: Reviews should always be taken with a grain of salt because people’s experiences can differ. To gain a comprehensive picture of the bike, try to study the evaluation many of sources, including independent review websites.

You may make a more informed choice and gain a better understanding of the features and performance of a kids’ bike by reading reviews.

Bicycle Buying Guide for Beginners: Always Choose a Reputable Seller. 

When buying a kids’ bike online, it’s critical to deal with a reliable vendor to make sure you receive high-quality and secure goods.

When selecting a seller, keep the following in mind:

  • Seek out sellers with positive ratings and reviews: Examining a seller’s ratings and reviews from previous clients is one technique to determine their reputation. Look for merchants who have received a majority of favorable ratings and reviews as this may be a sign of their dependability and level of customer service.
  • Check out the vendor’s reputation: If you don’t know the seller, it’s a good idea to look them up online to find out additional information. Look for details about their background, customer service practices, and any cautionary signals or red flags. 
cycle buying guide reputation of brands

Return policy: Before making a purchase, reviewing the seller’s return policy is always a good idea. If the bike needs to be returned or exchanged, knowing what to anticipate can help. Look for vendors who have welcoming and flexible return policies.

Tru Bike is a reputable seller of online kids’ bikes in India and abroad. Known for its high-quality material and innovative design, you can be sure that you are purchasing high-quality, secure kids’ bikes from them and that your shopping experience will be satisfying. Tru Bike has a range of gearless and geared bikes for every age. 

With Kid-correct position, Kid-correct colors, Kid-correct safety, Kid-correct weight, and Kid-correct efforts, Tru Bike is your go-to option for buying kids’ bicycles online. Ergonomic and designed to fit just right, Tru Bike is an innovation designed to impress for your kids to express themselves freely.

By following the tips in this guide, you can confidently buy a kids’ bike online and provide your child with a safe and enjoyable cycling experience.

Happy Shopping! 

Related: 12 Things to consider while buying a kids bike in 2023

best cycle brand in indiaCategoriesBlog

 Which is the best Cycle Brand in India in 2023: A Glimpse of Cycle Manufacturing Companies.

When asking the question, “Which cycle brand is best in India?” or when it comes to purchasing a bicycle for your child, it’s important to find a brand that is reliable, safe, and high-quality. There are many cycle brand options available in the Indian market, so it can be difficult to know which brand is the best.

In the dynamic landscape of cycle brands in India, a plethora of options are vying for attention. From well-established kids cycle brands with decades of experience to innovative newcomers, the choices seem endless. However, amidst this wide array of cycle brands, finding the one that strikes the perfect balance between reliability, safety, and top-notch quality is the ultimate goal.

Selecting any of the reputable kids cycle brands involves meticulous research. As a parent, you want a brand that goes beyond merely offering visually appealing designs; safety features and durability are of paramount importance. When young riders embark on their cycling adventures, having a reliable and secure cycle becomes an essential part of their experience.

From trusted household names to specialized kids cycle brands, the Indian market showcases a diverse range of options to explore. Prioritizing a brand’s track record of producing durable and child-friendly cycles is crucial, ensuring that each ride is a joyful and secure experience for your little one.

kid with cycle

Following are some points to take into consideration when choosing a kids bicycle brand in India:

  • Safety:

When deciding on which of the kids cycle brand is the best, the most important factor to consider when choosing a kids’ bicycle is safety. Look for a brand that has a good track record of producing safe bikes, with features such as sturdy frames, reliable brakes, and appropriate wheel sizes for the child’s age and size.

  • Durability:

Kids can be rough on their bikes, so it’s important to find a bicycle manufacturing company that produces durable bicycles that can withstand a lot of wear and tear. Look for bikes with high-quality components such as sturdy wheels, strong frames, and reliable bearings to zero in on which cycle company is best in India. When it comes to kids bicycles brands, durability takes center stage. The rigors of youthful exuberance demand bicycles that can withstand the energetic escapades of children.

That’s where the best cycle brands for kids step in. These brands understand the importance of crafting bicycles that are not just a means of transportation but also companions in countless adventures. Bicycles bearing the hallmark of these cycle brands are engineered to weather the storm of youthful enthusiasm, boasting features such as robust frames, resilient wheels, and dependable bearings. As you embark on the quest to pinpoint the best cycle brands for kids in India, the emphasis on durability ensures that each ride is a testament to the sturdiness and craftsmanship of these renowned brands.

  • Adjustability:

As children grow, they will need a bike that can grow with them. Look for a bicycle manufacturing company that offers bikes with adjustable seat heights and handlebars, so that the bike can be customized to fit the child as they grow.

The cycle brands list featuring the best cycle brands for kids will undoubtedly include those that shine in the domain of adjustability. An adept bicycle manufacturing company acknowledges the importance of seamless growth alongside young riders.

  • Price:

Look for a bicycle manufacturing company in India that offers high-quality bikes at reasonable prices. The element of price holds substantial weight in the decision-making process when acquiring a bicycle. Navigating the diverse cycle brands list to discover the best cycle brands for kids involves identifying a bicycle manufacturing company in India that strikes the perfect balance between quality and affordability.

Which bicycle manufacturing company is the best in India?

Keeping the above factors in mind, here are some of the top bicycle manufacturing companies in India.

Bicycle manufacturing company: Tru Bike

Topping the best cycle brands list is TRU Bikes. Tru Bike is recently creating a lot of buzz in the kids’ bicycle industry with its vision “To create a bicycle world where health is at the forefront, and discover the true joy of riding ecologically sustainable and high-quality bikes empowering to foster happiness in the everyday family association.” Among all cycle brands, Tru Bikes shines bright, symbolizing India’s expertise in bicycle manufacturing

Cofounded by Ritesh and Sunil in the year 2020, the bicycle manufacturing company is known for manufacturing India’s safest and lightest kids’ bicycles.

Tru Bike works with an international supplier network, with special expertise in India, Europe, Taiwan, and South-East Asia.

Tru Bike is competent enough to carry out a range of manufacturing processes, starting from prototyping to production.

Tru Bike currently works with over 10 clients in North America and Europe.

Some of the key highlights of Tru Bike include:
Wide range of bicycles: Tru Bike has a variety of geared and gearless kids’ bicycle options. The company has a wide range of products and a strong presence in the global market, making it a key player in the cycling industry.

Check out the links below to experience the best bicycle manufacturing company in India.

Buy Tru 1.6 Cycle for 4 to 6 years Kids

Buy Tru 2.0 Cycle without Gear for 6 to 8 years Old Kids

Buy Tru 2.0 Pro Gear Cycle for Kids 6 to 8-year-Old

Buy Tru 2.4 Cycle for 7 to 11-year-Old Kids

India’s Lightest bike: If you’re seeking the answer to the question, of which cycle company is the best in India, then Tru Bike sure makes it to the list. It focuses more on children’s needs and has designed the lightest, safest, and smoothest kids’ bike.
Kid correct position: The ideal riding position for children is created by an ergonomic saddle that fits their pelvises, allowing for both a comfortable ride and effective pedaling.

kids correct for cycle brand

Kid correct safety: Riding is more enjoyable due to the steadiness and good balance provided by the long wheelbase and steering geometry. Welcome to safe driving!
Kid correct weight: Riding is effortless thanks to the use of lightweight, high-quality aluminum frames and alloy components. The expertly crafted motorcycles increase the ecstasy level of your young rider’s experience.
Kid correct effort: Tru Bike significantly lowers the amount of work required for your sweetie pie to ride a bicycle with the german transmission. It’s time to ride comfortably.
It’s a good idea to read reviews and do some research before making a purchase. This ensures that you are getting the best bike for your child’s needs.

When considering purchasing a bicycle for your child, embarking on an informed decision-making journey is essential. In the quest to determine which is the best cycle in India, taking the time to delve into reviews and comprehensive research becomes a pivotal step. Equipped with insights from parents who have treated this path before, you can glean valuable knowledge that aids in pinpointing the best cycle brands for kids

Navigating the vast landscape of options within the cycle brands list necessitates a discerning approach. By immersing yourself in reviews, you gain a window into the experiences of fellow parents and cycling enthusiasts.

Don’t forget to check Tru Bike for the best riding experience for your munchkins.

Bicycle manufacturing company: Hero

Hero Cycles is a leading bicycle manufacturer based in India. Founded in 1956 by Dayanand Munjal, Hero Cycles has since grown to become a forerunner in the bicycle industry. In the context of which is the best cycle in India,the story of Hero Cycles emerges as a potent contender. Within the extensive expanse of cycle brands that adorn the cycle industry in India, Hero Cycles stands out as a beacon of excellence.

The history of Hero Cycles can be traced back to the early 1900s, when Dayanand Munjal’s grandfather, Rai Bahadur Ram Kishan Munjal, started a small business repairing and selling bicycles.

Some key highlights of Hero Cycles include:

  • Largest bicycle manufacturing company: The company is the largest bicycle manufacturer in India.
  • Wide range of products: Hero Cycles has a wide range of products, including bicycles for adults, kids, and teenagers, as well as electric bicycles and tricycles.
  • Focus on sustainability: The company has a strong focus on sustainability. It has implemented various initiatives to reduce its environmental impact. This includes the use of eco-friendly materials.

Bicycle manufacturing company: Avon Cycles

Avon Cycle is a leading Indian brand in the cycle industry in India that has a long and rich history dating back to the 1930s. Founded by Lala Karam Chand Thapar, Avon Cycles initially started as a small-scale enterprise that manufactured bicycles in Ludhiana, Punjab. The brand has expanded its product line to include a wide range of bicycles.

Some key highlights of Avon Cycles include:

  • Top players in the market: The brand has consistently been a top player in the Indian bicycle market, with a strong presence in both rural and urban areas.
  • Focus on expansion and innovation: In fact, Avon Cycles is credited with revolutionizing the Indian bicycle market by introducing new technologies and innovative designs.
cycle manufacturing
  • Sustainability: In addition to its focus on innovation and expansion, Avon Cycles has also been committed to sustainability and corporate social responsibility. The brand has carried out varied endeavors to lessen its environmental effect and aid local communities.

Bicycle manufacturing company: TI Cycles

TI Cycles is an Indian brand of bicycles in the cycle industry in India that was founded in 1951 in collaboration with the British bicycle manufacturer Hercules Cycles. The brand was owned by Tube Investments of India, a division of the Murugappa Group, a conglomerate based in Chennai, India.

Amidst the wide array of all cycle brands available, TI Cycles stands out as a noteworthy contender, epitomizing excellence in the world of bicycles

TI Cycles is known for producing a wide range of bicycles for different segments, including road bikes, mountain bikes, hybrid bikes, and kids’ bikes. The brand is popular in India and dominates the domestic market.

Some key highlights of TI Cycles include:

  • Wide range of products: TI Hercules offers a diverse range of bicycles for different segments and age groups. The brand’s product line includes a variety of bikes right from road bikes to kids’ bikes.
  • Innovation at the forefront: TI Cycles is known for incorporating innovative designs and technologies in its bicycles, such as lightweight frames, advanced suspension systems, and comfortable saddles, among others.

Related: Must-Have Bicycle Accessories for Every Kid in 2023

must have bicycle accessories for kidsCategoriesBlog

9 Must-Have Bicycle Accessories for Every Kid in 2023

Important kid’s bicycle accessories to have a safe and enjoyable riding experience.

Bicycling is a fun and healthy activity for kids, but it’s important to make sure they have the right gear to stay safe on the road. Not only does it provide exercise and fresh air, but it also helps kids develop coordination and improve their mental well-being.

If your child is just starting to learn how to ride a bike or is an experienced rider, there are some must-have accessories that can make their biking experience even better.

In this blog post, we’ll go over nine must-have bicycle accessories for every kid.

Here is the essential bicycle accessories list for every kid.

  1. Helmet
  2. Reflective Gear
  3. Lights
  4. Bell or Horn
  5. Water Bottle or Cage
  6. Portable Bike Pump
  7. Repair Kit
  8. Bike Lock
  9. Basket or Pannier

1. Helmet: Accessories for Kids’ Bicycle

The most essential bicycle accessory, especially for young cyclists, is a helmet. In the event of a fall or collision, a helmet can shield the head, which is crucial for avoiding major injury. Choose a helmet for your child that is the right size and comfortably fits their head. Every time a child rides a bicycle, parents need to make sure that the youngster is wearing a helmet that is correctly fitting.

must have bicycle accessory for your kid - Helmet

The bicycles in the Tru Bike have a free, reliable helmet option. Bicycle helmet accessories are sorted, with Tru Bike.

2. Reflective Gear: Accessories for Kids’ Bikes

Reflective gear is an absolute necessity when discussing children’s bicycle accessories. When it comes to bike safety, visibility is essential, and reflective clothing can help your child be noticed by other drivers. Everyone who rides a bike should have reflective clothing, but kids need it more than anyone. This kind of equipment, which may include reflective clothing tape, patches, or stickers, as well as reflective decals on the bike itself, aids in increasing the rider’s visibility to motorists and other road users.

In low light, reflective stripes on their bike, clothing, and helmet might increase their visibility. Particularly at night or in poor light, this may help to avert accidents and injuries. It’s crucial. It’s important for parents to make sure their children are wearing reflective gear whenever they ride their bikes, and to also make sure that their bikes are equipped with reflective elements as well.

3. Lights: A must-have kids bicycle accessories

It’s a good idea to provide your child’s bike lights in addition to reflective clothing. They can see and be seen better at night because of headlights and taillights, which can significantly improve safety. Lights are a crucial component of bicycle safety, especially for young riders.

When riding bicycles, especially at night or in poor light, it’s crucial that kids are visible. Lights can ensure that pedestrians and drivers are aware of the child’s presence, helping to reduce the risk of accidents. Lights can assist the child see where they’re going, which can help them avoid hazards and be safe on the road, in addition to improving visibility.

4. Bell or Horns: Essential kids cycle accessories

A bell or horn is a simple but effective way for your child to signal to others on the road. While bells or horns may not be a must-have accessory for all kids’ bicycles, they can be a useful and fun addition for some children. Bells or horns can be used to signal to others on the road or trail that a cyclist is approaching, which can help prevent accidents and improve safety.

They can also be a fun way for kids to express themselves and make their bicycles more personal. If a child is interested in adding a bell or horn to their bicycle, it’s important to make sure it is properly installed and used in a safe manner. Whether they’re alerting a pedestrian to their presence or letting another cyclist know they’re passing, a bell or horn can help prevent accidents.

5. Water bottle and Cage: 

Staying hydrated is important for any physical activity, and biking is no exception. A water bottle and cage on your child’s bike can help them stay hydrated during their rides.

Having a water bottle and cage on a kids’ bicycle can be a useful accessory, as it allows the child to stay hydrated during their rides. It can also be a convenient way for them to carry a small amount of water with them on longer rides or when they are out exploring. It’s important to make sure that the water bottle and cage are properly sized and securely attached to the bicycle to ensure that they don’t interfere with the child’s ability to ride safely.

6. Pumps: A must-have bicycle accessory for kids

Flat tires are a common problem for bicyclists, and it’s important for your child to know how to fix them. A bike pump is a tool used to fill a bicycle’s tyres with air.

top 9 accessories for kids bicycle -

A portable bike pump can help them quickly and easily inflate a flat tire, so they can get back on the road in no time.

It is a crucial item for all cyclists, even children since it enables them to keep their tyres inflated to the correct pressure and make sure their bike is secure and ready to ride. Most athletic goods stores and bike shops sell bike pumps, which come in a range of shapes and sizes. Some pumps, which may be smaller in size and more child-friendly in design, are made specifically for use with children’s bicycles. To prevent harming your child’s tyres or the pump itself, it’s crucial to pick a pump that is suitable for the style of tyres on their bike and to show them how to operate it correctly.

7. Repair kit: 

Bicycle problems are unavoidable. Any kid who rides a bike needs a repair kit as a necessary item. They can swiftly remedy minor bike problems, like a flat tyre, and get back on the road. A spare inner tube, a tyre lever, a hand pump, and a patch kit should all be included in a basic repair kit.

Along with a set of extra nuts and bolts, it’s a good idea to pack a small multitool with various-sized hex keys and screwdrivers. This will enable your youngster to perform simple maintenance on their bicycle and may prevent you from making a trip to the bike shop. It’s important to teach your child how to use their repair kit safely and properly, so they can take care of their own bike and keep it in good working order.

8. Bike Locks: A must-have kids cycle accessories.

A bike lock is necessary to prevent theft of your child’s bike. Look for a lock that is made of a durable material that won’t easily be cut or tampered with, like hardened steel.

9. A Basket or Pannier: 

For carrying things on a bike, a basket or pannier is a useful addition. It can be used by your youngster to transport snacks, books, or other stuff on rides.

accessories for kids bicycle

You can select the basket or pannier that best suits your child’s needs from a selection of styles and sizes.

In addition to these must-have accessories, there are also many optional accessories that can make biking more comfortable and enjoyable for kids. These may include things like a comfortable saddle, padded gloves, and a basket or cargo rack for carrying their gear.

Overall, the most important thing is to make sure your child has the right gear to stay safe and comfortable while they ride. With the right accessories, they’ll be able to enjoy all the benefits of biking without any of the risks. Feel free to contact Tru Bike for biking range and biking accessories recommendations. 

Related: What are the health benefits of cycling for kids?


12 Things to Consider When Buying a Kids Bike in 2023

How to choose the best bike for kids in 2023?

It’s no longer given that youngsters are enthusiastic about bicycles in today’s always-connected, online gaming, TikTok-centric environment. Fortunately, there are many reasons for parents to feel thrilled on their behalf. Children can gain both physically and socially from cycling.

Young children who learn to ride two wheels get various health benefits and develop superior balance, strength, and eye-hand coordination as well as better cardiorespiratory fitness that last a lifetime. Additionally, because cycling gives children greater mobility and promotes social interaction and friendships, it helps them grow more autonomous and active. It’s a fantastic way to bring a kid out of the control of the screen and into the vast outdoors, where everything is genuine.

Let’s dive into how to choose the children’s bicycle. Read this definitive guide to buying a Kids bike:

  1. The Right Size of Kids Bike
  2. The Right Type of Kid’s Bikes
  3. The Right Material for Kid’s Bikes
  4. Gears and Gears Shifters
  5. The Durability of Kids Bikes
  6. Safety of Kids Bikes
  7. Longevity of Kids Bike
  8. Gender-Specific Kids Bike Design
  9. The Weight of a Kids Bike
  10. Accessories of Kids Bike
  11. Components of Kids Bike
  12. Price of Kids Bike

1. The Right Size of Kids Bike

There is a wide variety of two-wheel options available for child bikers, ranging from balancing bikes for the youngest riders to youth mountain bikes with front suspension. But how can you focus your search when there are so many options? We’ll walk you through selecting the ideal bike for your youngster.

Remember, when struggling with the question of how to choose a kids’ bike, the right size of the bike matters. Kids will find it simpler, safer, and more enjoyable to ride a bike that is the right size for them.

how to choose kids cycle

Contrary to the frame size for adult bikes, children’s bicycles normally have the wheel size indicated to meet the various height ranges of children. According to the sizing chart given below, each wheel size is based on your child’s height and the inseam measurement.

Kindly refer to the below chart of Tru Bike for deciding how to choose a Kids’ Bike. 

Wheel size12″14″16″20″24″26″
Approx Age2 – 32 – 44 – 65 – 88 – 1110+
Approx inseam15″ – 18″15″ – 20″16″ – 22″19″ – 25″23″ – 28″25″+
Approx height36″ – 39″37″ – 44″41″ – 48″45″ – 54″49″ – 59″56″+

Why is choosing the best bike for kids with the right size so crucial?

Cycling is more enjoyable when the child’s bike fits. By securely pedaling, using the brakes and gears, if necessary, touching the ground, your youngster will gain confidence.

A too-hefty or too-small bike may be difficult to handle or uneasy to peddle. Your toddler might have trouble stopping or balancing.

2. The Right Type of Kid’s Bikes

When thinking about how to choose kids bikes, the right type of bikes matters. Although it may seem apparent, the type of cycling your child does will determine the type of bike they need as they become older. This decision becomes extremely crucial starting with 20′′ wheels and up.

If they want to ride their bike primarily on the road, don’t purchase them a mountain bike. If you plan to ride muddy trails or visit the BMX track, don’t get a road bike with skinny road tyres and drop handlebars.

A geared bike like Tru 2.0 Pro Gear Cycle for Kids 6 to 8-year-Old or Tru 2.4 Cycle for 7 to 11-year-Old Kids is your best option if they plan to undertake an adventurous cycling experience.

3. The Right Material for Kid’s Bikes

The more durable, the better because kids’ bikes are certain to be dropped to the ground when supper is ready, not to mention occasional crashes. As was previously said, sturdy does not equate to heavy. It denotes high quality.

Steel will rust if it is not protected, so steel seat posts, frames, nuts, and bolts will corrode more quickly than their aluminum counterparts.

Tru Bike range of bicycles is ultralight and super duper comfortable enabling kids to handle it like a pro without much force. Light and high-quality aluminum frames, and alloy components make riding effortless.

4. Gears and Gears Shifters

When deciding on how to choose kids’ bikes, don’t forget the gears. The smallest children’s bikes don’t require gears because they only confuse new riders and add weight. To avoid gears, wait until the wheels are at least 20 inches in diameter; even then, ask yourself if you really need them.

Choose between gear and non geared cycle for kids

Gears become crucial once your youngster is navigating hillier terrain, of course. Start out simple. The ideal gear ratios to bring them up and down the trails and tracks should be considered after they are riding a 26-inch-wheel mountain bike.

Related: Gear bicycles and how to use them?

5. The Durability of Kids Bikes

The best bikes for kids are durable. The bicycle your child rides should be robust enough to withstand all the challenges of riding. Your child will tumble, bump into walls or trees, and the bike needs to be prepared for all of this to ensure years of use. The most popular type of bicycle is one composed of either steel or aluminum.

Tru bike range of bikes is designed in-house and manufactured with the highest quality components. Durability is our promise.

6. Safety of Kids Bikes

The bike’s parts have been created with children in mind to maximize their safety at all times. Before buying a bicycle, always inspect it. Verify that every component is securely fastened. Always check your tyres’ pressure, and have them serviced every two to three months.

Before purchasing any bicycle, everyone should take into account a few factors. Tru bike range of bicycle comes with a long wheelbase and steering geometry providing a good balance and making riding more enjoyable.

7. Longevity of Kids Bike

When will my child outgrow this bike? How long can they ride it? You need to feel confident as a parent that the bike will survive for a long time. On that note, the lack of space for the knees between the seat and handlebars is the most frequent reason children need to upgrade their bike size. 

Since the center of gravity is so high as a result of this, you are forced to raise the seat, which causes your youngster to lose interest or confidence in riding. The extended wheelbase is a distinguishing design element of Tru Bike; it is more ergonomically sound for a child’s developing body.

8. Gender-Specific Kids Bike Design 

Does the design of a boy or girl child’s bicycle matter? From a specific riding perspective, the functional differences between the girls’ and boys’ form designs are insignificant. In fact, the majority of young riders benefit from a lower step through, as it makes getting on and off easier. There isn’t much of a difference in the design in terms of strength either.

There is a demand in the market for 2 alternative styles, therefore it has more to do with the social element. In order to provide adequate options for every boy or girl, Tru Bike attempts to offer as many gender-neutral colors as we can in our selection. Tru Bike range of bicycles comes in vibrant colors and uber cool designs keeping in mind the children’s preferences. Tru bicycles are gender-neutral and designed in a way suitable for both girls & boys.

9. The Weight of a Kids Bike

choose light weight cycle for kids

Would you ride a bike that was heavier than you were? Could you imagine how difficult it would be to maneuver the bike around corners or up and down a curb in addition to launching it from a stationary position?

So why would you anticipate your kid to behave similarly, especially if they’re just learning to ride?

One of the main design considerations when we first launched Tru Bike was weight. Simply put, there was no selection of lightweight children’s bikes anywhere in the globe.

10. Accessories of Kids Bike

You really need to make sure your child rides safely and a helmet is a must. Tru Bike range of bicycles comes with a helmet & Tru bike is giving helmets free of cost with every purchase for kids safety. Knee and shoulder pads can significantly limit a cyclist’s range of motion and their ability to feel the bike naturally.

Make sure the helmet fits well before buying it. Going to your local bike store with your child to get the ideal fit is absolutely worthwhile. The helmet should not protrude excessively from the forehead or sit so low that it resembles a baseball cap because this will obstruct the wearer’s field of vision. There should be some movement, but it shouldn’t rock too much.

11. Components of Kids Bike

Keep things straightforward; the less complicated the bike is, the fewer things may go wrong, and the lighter the bike will be. In most cases, the suspension is unnecessary because children are light and have springy limbs and legs.

Children find it difficult to change the front gears, so choose an alloy chainset with just one ring when it comes to gears. Do not bother with gears if your youngster is under five years old.

12. Price of Kids Bike 

You must consider the cost of the bike you choose. The more expensive types of children’s bikes don’t necessarily cost a lot of money. The good news is that there are several internet retailers where you should be able to get a high-quality children’s bike for a reasonable price and within your spending limit. 

Tru Bike range of bicycles is a value-for-money option. Simply take your time, look about, and compare the costs of other models.

Now you know “how to choose kids bike”, so check out the gearless and geared range of Tru Bike bicycles. In case of any doubts, you can contact us and our representative will reach out to you asap.

benefits of exercise for kidsCategoriesBlog

Why are exercises important for Kids?

Importance of exercise for kids: Cycling is one of the best forms of exercise.

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy is a widely used quote to explain the importance of exercising regularly. I bet you don’t want your kids to be dull. For children, exercise means having fun and being active. At recess, during dancing or soccer practice, when riding bikes, or while playing tag, children can get some exercise.

The importance of physical exercise for kids is enormous. Kids who start exercising and sports early are more likely to remain active later in life.

What are the advantages of regular exercise?

If you ask me, there are tons of them.

Let’s see the importance of exercising regularly in the context of cycling.

  1. Importance of exercise for kids: Improved emotional wellbeing.
  2. Importance of exercise regularly: Improved heart health.
  3. Importance of exercise to health: Development of cognitive abilities.
  4. Importance of exercise for good health: Improves dexterity
  5. Importance of exercise regularly: Development of social skills.

So let’s discuss the above-mentioned points about the benefits of exercise for kids in the context of cycling in detail:

1. Importance of exercise for kids: Improved emotional wellbeing.

Anxious children more often have a tendency to concentrate on things that make them feel anxious, which perpetuates the cycle. However, a nervous child can break the cycle through exercise by concentrating on the demands of physical activity, learning new skills, and feeling a sense of accomplishment.

We all know the importance of exercise on health and cycling can be a game changer for such kids. 

  • Children feel better about themselves. The kids have a high sense of self-worth as a result of becoming self-sufficient.
  • Bike riding also educates kids to be more aware of their bodies and the surroundings in which they live.
  • You’ll notice as a parent that kids who cycle out of their fear zone do so more quickly than kids who don’t.
  • Children may ride with their families, which strengthens family bonds and creates priceless memories.
  • Children’s confidence is boosted by cycling. Bikes like Tru Bike, India’s safest and smoothest kids’ bike can make them feel more confident because they are now starting to live freely. They feel more responsible as they grow more conscious of their environment and their own bodies.
importance of cycling for kids

It aids in their understanding of the world around them and gets them ready to adapt to their surroundings. Their self-assurance enables them to feel at ease when they are away from home without slipping into a state of helplessness or fear. Sometimes it strengthens family ties when parents go on fun rides with their kids. Children typically have a better time on their rides and create wonderful memories, which boosts their happiness and positive outlook.

2. Importance of exercise regularly: Improved heart health.

Children who play indoor virtual games on devices are less active since they are forced to stay indoors, which results in laziness and inactivity. Some kids may develop childhood obesity as a result of this which can cause heart complications in the future. One cannot neglect the importance of exercise for good health.

If we pay attention to the importance of exercise in our daily life then one of the best things to do to stay active and lose weight is cycling.

  • Since cycling helps kids stay completely active and gets them outside, it also helps their bodies stay toned and healthy.
  • Cycling is a great exercise for the powerful leg muscles.
  • Exercise of the leg muscles raises the heart rate, which quickens the body’s rate of stamina. It helps your child reach their ideal weight by strengthening their cardiovascular system and monitoring their weight.

In case you’re looking for a superlight and thoughtfully engineered kids’ bike for your 4-6 years old, then do check out Tru 1.6 Cycle for 4 to 6 years Kids.

3. Importance of exercise to health: Development of cognitive abilities.

Physical activity helps immensely in the development of the brain and its critical functions. Exercise improves the motor skills, thinking ability, and hand-eye coordination of a child. This in turn helps to improve academic performance. Children have been shown to perform better on tests and assignments even when they simply play outside with friends.

benefits of exercise for kids
  • While riding a bike, the capacity to pedal and retain control is an absolute requirement. Researchers have discovered that cyclists are more physically and mentally resilient.
  • One advantage of cycling for kids is that it boosts blood flow to the brain while the youngsters are biking. This keeps their brains in good shape.
  • Children who ride their bikes to school each day consequently typically perform better in class than children who ride the school bus each day. Overall, cycling is good for kids’ mental health.

Do your kids enjoy bikes with gears? Tru Bike has innovative and ultralight geared bike options. Do check out Tru 2.0 Pro Gear Cycle for Kids 6 to 8-year-Old and Tru 2.4 Cycle for 7 to 11-year-Old Kids.

4. Importance of exercise for good health: Improves dexterity

The development of your child’s fundamental movement skills is aided by regular physical activity. Physical activity can support the development of strong bones, muscles, a healthy heart, and lungs in addition to helping one maintain healthy body weight. Additionally, exercise supports your child’s maintenance of healthy body weight.

  • One of the main advantages of cycling for toddlers is that it focuses on the lower limbs and strengthens the upper body.
  • Consequently, bringing your kid biking around the neighborhood will help build up their general muscle mass. Cycling has the advantage of simultaneously strengthening every muscle in the body.
  • Cycling is a terrific way to work up your strong leg muscles. Leg exercise increases heart rate, which accelerates the body’s rate of stamina.
  • By enhancing their cardiovascular system and keeping track of their weight, it aids in your child achieving their ideal weight.

5. Importance of exercise regularly: Development of social skills.

In today’s fast-paced environment, it’s simple to forget with whom our children engage.

  • Cycling for kids has several advantages, one of which is that it keeps your child from ever being alone.
  • Cycling helps kids build their social skills and encourages them to interact with others who share their enthusiasm for the activity.
  • As kids play and engage with their classmates in their local communities, their social skills develop. The kids talk about everything while riding their bikes, from their goals and dreams to their biggest fears.
  • A neighborhood bike race can bring neighbors together, which is advantageous for both parents and children.
importance of exercise for kids

How much should a kid exercise or remain active?

Children should be active every day, and parents and other adults may help. 

60 minutes or more of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day is recommended for school-age children and teens (ages 6 to 17). At least three days a week should be dedicated to activities that build bones and muscles.

Preschoolers should play actively throughout the day. This can include riding a bike. Although a precise time frame hasn’t been established, 3 hours a day of light, moderate, and vigorous activity seems like a reasonable goal. Unstructured active play and organized, adult-led physical activity should be among them.

This should involve simple exercises, engaging play, and vigorous motions like hopping, jogging, cycling, and jumping.

Unless they are sleeping, children of school age shouldn’t sit still for more than two hours.

Cycling as a form of exercise can work wonders in the physical, mental, and social development of your kids.

Feel free to check out and contact Tru Bike for non-geared and geared bikes to make your kids biking journey fun and exciting.

Related: Know the right bike size for your kid.

Cycle size chartCategoriesBlog

Decoding Kids Bike Sizes: Your Ultimate Cycle Size Chart Guide

Navigating the path to perfect kids bike sizes.

Are you finding yourself in a puzzle when it comes to finding out the right kids bike sizes? Is a reliable cycle size chart the missing piece of your puzzle?

Buckle up as we set on an enlightening journey through the complexities of selecting the perfect bicycle to set your child’s heart racing.

Introducing Kids Bike Sizes to the Thrill of Cycling

One vital consideration when your kids start cycling that center stage is the right bike size. The landscape of kids cycle size may appear like a maze, but fear not, for Tru Bike is your helping guide in this quest.

Our treasure trove of insights embodies a comprehensive resource, an all-encompassing cycle size chart with age. Bid farewell to the confusion that often accompanies the endeavor of procuring your child’s first cycle. Be it your kid venturing into the world of cycling or the brimming enthusiast yearning to conquer new horizons, the bike sizes chart we present shall be your trusted compass.

Finding out Kids Bike Sizes – A Quest for the Perfect Fit

Unlike the world of adult bicycles, where conformity to frame dimensions rules, the landscape of children’s bikes charts a distinct course. Here, the yardstick is wheel size, not frame height or length.

Revealing this difference, we recognize that taller kids in their age group might prefer larger wheels. But it’s important to note that as the bike size increases, making certain changes might be harder for younger riders.

Venture further into the depths of knowledge by consulting the helpful cycle size chart we present below. While these charts undeniably forge a strong foundation, a critical insight is this; they do not serve as an exhaustive compass. We’ve taken it upon ourselves to include these size charts as your companions, assisting you on your expedition. Kids cycle size is done right for you ahead.

Comfort and Safety in Kids Bike Sizes

Within the arena of bike size selection, two lighthouses guide the way

  1. Comfort
    Despite the strength of young folks, if kids bike sizes don’t match well with a child’s body, it can spoil their joy of cycling. Just like grown-ups, young riders also want a comfortable ride. Making sure the childrens bike sizes fit perfectly ensures enjoyable rides. A cycle size chart can come in handy.
  2. Safety
    A bike provides a safe haven for a child when they can easily reach the handlebars and operate the brakes, even if they are taller than the top tube. Having good control over steering and braking is crucial. On the other hand, a bike that’s too small can lead to instability, affecting their ability to control it. Childrens bike sizes should be taken into account.

Decoding the Art of Size Selection – Kids bike sizes done right.

  • Measuring the Inseam

When it comes to determining kids cycle size, the measure of the inseam becomes a guiding star. Have your child stand by the wall with their shoes on, keeping their feet slightly apart. Place a book between their legs and gradually lift it until the book’s spine lightly touches their crotch. The measurement is made by aligning the book with the floor and measuring from the floor to the highest point of the spine. This helps to determine the childrens bike sizes.

Guide to choose the right size of kids bike by

This process of how to measure cycle size is akin to following a well-constructed cycle size chart with age. Just like a book serves as a guide, this chart steers you in the right direction. Much like the book aligns with the floor, ensuring accurate measurements, the chart aligns with your child’s growth, offering insights based on their age and height.

The concept is similar to consulting a bicycle size chart by height, which assists in comprehending the appropriate size for your child. By paying attention to such fundamental measures, you can ensure a comfortable biking experience for your little one.

  • Opting for the Ideal Wheel Size

Armed with the inseam measurement, the journey continues by exploring a variety of bike wheel size categories. The compass points to larger wheel sizes whenever circumstances permit. The logic is simple, larger wheels mean heightened stability and the luxury of space for growth.

Refer to the youth bike sizing chart below for additional clarity. This will give you info on how to measure cycle size.

Wheel size12″14″16″20″24″26″
Approx Age2 – 32 – 44 – 65 – 88 – 1110+
Approx inseam15″ – 18″15″ – 20″16″ – 22″19″ – 25″23″ – 28″25″+
Approx height36″ – 39″37″ – 44″41″ – 48″45″ – 54″49″ – 59″56″+

  • . Finding the Perfect Seat Size

Choosing the perfect kids cycle size is a critical step in ensuring a delightful biking experience for your child. As you navigate through a variety of children’s bike sizes, understanding how to measure cycle size becomes pivotal. A reliable Cycle size chart with age can serve as your compass in this journey.

Factors like a child’s affinity for cycling and their familiarity with the activity contribute significantly to finding the ideal seat height.

1. Newbies’ Seat Height

● Comfortable sitting, feet should touch the ground.
● Transitioning kids included.
● Seat lets them stop easily.

Choose the right Seat height for newbies

2. Experienced Riders’ Seat Height

● The tip of the foot touches the ground.
● Brake use, smooth start/stop.
● Inseam 2-4 inches above the seat.

3. Training Wheels/Balancing Bike

● Observe a child’s confidence.
● Ground-tips if confident.
● Feet-ground if unsure.
● 0-3 inches above the inseam.
● Balancing bike: 0.5-1.5 inches below seat.

This isn’t just about mechanics. It’s about the joy your child will experience as they pedal away on a bike that’s tailored to their bicycle size chart by height.

Tru Bikes have several options for gearless and geared bicycles for kids.

Refer to the chart below to objectively answer the question – “What bike size does my child need?”

  • TRU 1.6: Age: 4-6 Years, Height: 3’5”– 4’0”, Weight: 8.7 KG

Purchase this superlight and thoughtfully engineered gearless kids’ bike for children aged between 4-6 years here.

  • TRU 2.0 (without gears): Age: 6-8 Years, Height: 3’9”–4’4”, Weight: 9.6 KG

Purchase this superlight gearless kids’ bike and safety-conscious design for children aged between 6-8 years here.

  • TRU 2.0 Pro (With Gears): Age: 6-8 Years, Height: 3’9” – 4’4”, Weight-11.4 KG

Purchase the ultralight and innovative geared bikes for all-around use by children aged between 6-8 years here.

TRU 2.4 (with gears): Age: 7-11 Years, Height: 4’0”-4’8”, Weight: 12.7 KG

Purchase the featherlight gear cycle and kid-friendly bicycle design for children aged between 7-11 years here.

Tru Bike chart has the apt answer to your question – What bike size do I need?

For easy understanding, Tru Bike has segregated bicycle sizes by age.

Type of cycleAgeHeightWeight
TRU 1.64-63’5”– 4’0”,8.7 kg
TRU 2.0 (Without gears)6-83’9”–4’4”,9.6 kg
TRU 2.0 Pro (With gears)6-83’9”–4’4”,11.4 kg
Tru 2.4 (With gears)7-114’0”-4’812.7 kg

The above bicycle size chart can help you make the right decision in choosing the right bicycle for your kids.

Remember to visit Tru Bike, where you can purchase India’s lightest, safest, and smoothest kids’ bicycles.

If you’re still facing challenges in finding the right bicycle size for your kids, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Tru Bike. Our representative will reach out to assist you. It’s the time to step into the limelight, it’s the time for Tru Bike. Till then, Ride and Shine!